Sunday, September 13, 2015

The Medieval Age

The Medieval Age

Post a blog that illustrates the philosophical, political, religious, ethical, and social influences of the 

Medieval historical period. Be sure to include the following key terms: Norman Invasion, feudalism, 

Magna Carta, and Black Death. Respond to at least one other blog by agreeing/disagreeing and 

providing a reason for your response, making a connection, or posing a question for the reader to 



  1. Hey block 1! I'm really proud of how hard all of you are working!

  2. Ron Moreno
    An invasion
    Way of governing

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. Ron, I need to see that you are capable of synthesizing what you have learned in the form of a summary. Please correct.

  3. Rebecca Hoffman B1
    The Norman invasion is where William claimed that the old king had promised him the throne, so he got on a boat sailed across the sea with his huge army, and took his throne, he brought England into main-stream divided the holdings of the fallen English landowners. he also brought over the language of french and a new social system called Feudalism which is a caste system, a property system, and a military system, based on religion and god is the supreme overlord.

    The signing of the Magna Carta was a defeat for central papal power. it became the basis of English constitutional law.

    The black death was a plague which came to England in 1348-1349. it was highly contagious and spread by fleas and rats. it reduced the population by a third. it gave serfs freedom .

  4. Alicia Tapia B1:
    The Norman invasion was when William the Conqueror invaded England. He took over the Anglo-Saxon community and changed their customs and made new ones. Along with the Norman invasion came the Black Death which wiped out a large population in England. This plague came from rodents and fleas. The outbreak delivered a strong blow to feudalism.The system was a caste system, a property system, and a military system. Feudalism simply more a social system. The system operated all the way down to the landless knights and to serfs. The system was a caste system, a property system, and a military system. The Magna Carta (also known as the Great Charter) was signed to return England back to order. The Magna Carta became the basis for the England constitutional law.

    1. GREAT JOB! I agree with everything noted in this. You didn't miss one thing that was asked about the task. (:

  5. ella block 1
    these events changed english history

    1. Please tell me more. What are the events you are referring to and why is each one significant?

  6. Alissa Rosetta
    The Norman Invasion did not erase the Anglo-Saxon culture they brought major changes to England. They brought French language and molded England into mainstream European civilization. They brought a new social system called Feudalism.
    Feudalism is a caste system, a property system, and a military system. This system carried a sense of forms and manners.
    Black Death is a bubonic plague, highly contagious spread by fleas and rats. This plague reduced the nations population by a third.
    The magna carta defeated the Central papal power Giving common people rights. This document was basically the constitution in a way for England.

    1. I agree that the Magna Carta was basically the constitution in a way for England.

    2. do you think the changes brought by the Norman Invasion where good, bad, or were there good and bad changes?

  7. The Norman invasion is where William claimed that the old king had promised him the he throne,also brought over the language of french and a new social system called Feudalism which is a caste system, a property system, and a military system.
    The Magna Carta was a defeat for central papal power. It became the basis of English constitutional law.

    The black death was a plague which came to England. It was highly contagious. It spread by fleas and rats. It reduced the population by a third.

  8. Angela Manning B1:
    the Norman Invasion happened because William the Conqueror believed that his cousin the English king Edward the Confessor thrown was rightfully this. Feudalism was the social system put in place by the Norman's after the Norman Invasion, this system was based on a religious concept of rank with god as the supreme overlord. King John was forced to sign the Magna Carta in 1215 even thought he was backed by the pope. Later the Magna Carta became basis of English constitutional law, which had such rights as trail by jury and legislative taxation were established. The Black Death, or bubonic plague, was a disease that struck in England in 1348-1349. this disease was spread by fleas from infected rats and the disease reduced the nations population by a third.

    1. Why was King John forced to sign the Magna Carta??

    2. Why wont you answer me Angela?

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. The Norman Invasion did not erase the Anglo-Saxon culture they brought major changes to England. They brought French language and molded England into mainstream European civilization. They brought a new social system called Feudalism. The system was a caste system, a property system, and a military system. The Magna Carta (also known as the Great Charter) was signed to return England back to order. The Magna Carta became the basis for the England constitutional law. The black death was a plague which came to England. It was highly contagious. It spread by fleas and rats. It reduced the population by a third.

  10. The Norman Invasion was brought on by William the Conqueror because he felt he was the person who should be ruling England after king Edward died. The Normans changed England in many ways including their social, military, and caste systems. They brought Feudalism to England. But soon watched the downfall of it because of things like the signing of the magna carta and the black death.

    -Kolin Fowlkes

  11. Justin Condry B2:
    The medieval time period is one of my favorite time period in literature history. I find it interesting how William the Conqueror didn’t want to totally destroy the Anglo-Saxon people, instead he just wanted to rule them. This is actually funny since he isn’t even from England, he is from France. Since he had this idea he initiated the Norman Invasion, which caused the death of the last Anglo-Saxon king, King Harold. William the Conqueror brought a new social system to the Anglo-Saxon people, called feudalism. Feudalism however was not perfect. Throughout the medieval time period numerous things disrupted the new idea of feudalism. The Black Death was a bubonic plague which struck England in 1348-1349, this was one that disrupted feudalism. Another thing that I think is cool about this time period is you will start seeing resemblance of the United States in it (The Constitution). Look at the Magna Carta for example, it was first signed in the time period and would bring back the return to older democratic values to England.

    1. Good job! Detailed and informative.

    2. Very well stated and has many details. Wonderful response!

  12. Jeffery Condry B2
    The Norman invasion was the 11th century invasion and occupation of England by a Norman and French army led by William the Conqueror and Duke William II of Normandy. This invasion ultimately led to the down fall of the Anglo-saxon people.
    The Black Death was one of the most deadly pandemics in human history, resulting in the death of about 75 to 200 million people. To put that in perspective the population of the United States is 318 million. The black death occurred in Europe from 1346-1353.
    Feudalism was a combination of military and legal customs in the medieval period. This system set fourth the structure of their society from holding of land to services and labor.
    The Magna Carta was agreed on by King John of England on June 15, 1215. The Magna Carta stated certain rights of Englishmen that cannot be taken away. The Magna Carta helped set forth the American system of Government.

  13. Kristin Sanders B2
    The Norman Invasion created a new culture by combining Norman and Anglo-Saxon lifestyles. This became known as Norman-Saxon. This brought changes to England along with a new social/caste/property/military system called Feudalism.
    The Magna Carta ("Great Charter") was the basis for constitutional law in England. The signing of this document was a defeat for central papal power. It also brought rights such as a trial by jury and legislative taxation.
    The highly contagious spread of the Black Death (1348-1349) was through fleas from infected rats. This wiped the population by 1/3, took a blow to feudalism, and caused labor shortages.

    1. Taylor Dudley- What kind of Social influences did the feudalism bring with the Norman Influences?

  14. Samadah Shabazz B2
    William, the duke of Normandy, invaded England in the autumn of 1066, beginning a campaign of conquest leading to his crowning as the King of England and the establishment of Norman rule over England. During this time a devastating plague known as the Black death claimed and estimated 75 million lives. I personally think that the feudal system was biased because you were treated differently depending on how high you were in the hierarchy, for example people higher in the system would not be arrested purely because he was richer than others. The Magna Carta of 1215 was the first document to challenge the authority of the king, subjecting him to the rule of the law and protecting his people for feudal abuse.

    1. Justin Condry B2:
      Samadah, you did a great job! I really like how you state your opinion on a feudalism and give an example on why you don't like it. I totally agree with everything you said. I do have one question, do you think that the way government in this time was handle resembles the government we have today?

  15. the Norman invasion occurred do to William the conqueror believing that the English throne was his to control. With the Norman invasion they brought many parts of there own culture with them. The main part of this was the feudal system this included a caste system, property system, and a military system. They eventually wrote and signed the Magna Carta. This document started the the return to older, democratic tendencies in England. After all this the black Death spread through all of england killing at least 1/3 of the english population.

  16. Zoaliz Rivera B2
    The Norman Invasion had influenced Anglo-Saxon culture by improving their social system. The Normans very administrative and had placed a big emphasis on law. They also introduced new languages and a more refined, civilized culture. Males were still supposed to enforce the social codes given to the citizens that they had sworn under. Although society was evolving, women still had their rights stripped away from them. Literature was working its way up, Geoffrey Chaucer being one of the few publishers at the time. His works explained the different events that occurred throughout the time period, like the Bubonic Plague. He also delved into the concept of love, seeing as many women didn't have any say in it. A lot of their status was based off of their father, or the man they married. Love differed with every social class. The upper (wealthy) class was more prone to having a family than the lower class. With child-bearing, boys were highly sought after and the main goals of the couple; seeing as they have the most say in the society. Although a woman's role was limited, that didn't hinder the classes from evolving.

    1. You did a great job summarizing Zoaliz! What do you think about the role women played in their society?

  17. Mackenzie Bly B2
    The Norman invasion started because William the conqueror believed that the throne rightfully belonged to him because a cousin of the former English King. In turn, he brought Anglo-Saxon culture as well as Norman culture to England. Feudalism was their form of government that consisted of a caste system, a property system, and a military system. William the Conqueror was at the top of the pyramid. The black death was a terrible disease spread by fleas from infected rats. The plague reduced the nations population by an entire 3rd. The Magna carta was a document signed by King John in 1215. He was strongly backed by the pope, but the english barons forced him to sign the document.

  18. Shawna Waggoner B2:

    The Norman Invasion changed England drastically but did not get rid of the Anglo-Saxon culture that was in place. A change that the Normans brought were that they blended their culture with the Anglo-Saxons to mold into mainstream European civilization. They also brought over a new language, French, and established a new social system called feudalism. Feudalism was a caste system, a property system, and a military system. It was based on religion with God as the supreme overlord. This system is what influenced the concept of chivalry. The Magna Carta was a document signed by King John in 1215, which limited his power and established the basis of English constitutional law. The Black Death lasted from 1348-1349 and it was a disease that reduced the population by a third.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Will Joseph
    William the conquer was promised to be the king but didn't get it. He was then jealous so he went to get what was his and that was known as the Norman invasion. They brought modern European civilization to them. Diseases such as the black death haunted people over this time period, it wiped out 1/3 of Europe's population. Feudalism was the system they used and it consisted of a caste system, military system, and property system. The feudalism system introduced chivalry. Magna Carta was signed shortly after by King John in 1215.

    1. Black death does not sound fun! Sounds worse than the flu. Gross.

  21. period 3
    The Norman invasion drastically changed England. Although the changes it didn't fully get rid of the Anglo-Saxon culture. They brought over a new language, french, and a new social system called feudalism. it was a caste, property, and military system. based on religion with god as the supreme overlord. magna carta was a document signed by king john in 1215, it limited his power and established the basis of the english constitutional law. The black death went on from 1348-1349 it was a disease that reduced the population by a third.

    1. What did you already know about this time period before the class began studying it?

    2. Life must have been rough, smh. Great post!

    3. i already knew about the black death, and i knew about the knights and there armor. .


  23. The Norman Invasion brought major changes to England. They brought French language and molded England into mainstream European civilization. They brought a new social system called Feudalism. The system was a caste system, a property system, and a military system. The Magna Carta was signed to return England back to order.The black death was a plague which came to England and killed a third of the people.
    Period 3
    Robert Blizzard

    1. yeah i agree that is what had happened. did it greatly affect the people living there?

    2. What do you think it would have been like to live in this time period?

  24. The Norman invasion changed how the people of England would live forever. The Norman invasion made its own mixed religion with the Angelo-Saxon culture that the people used at the time. The people who came to England also brought a new type of language to them it was called French and they also made a new social system call feudalism. Feudalism was a caste system, a property system, and even a military system. Feudalism is based on religion with God as their supreme overlord. The Magna Carta was a document signed by King John in 1215, which limited his power and established the constitutional law. The black death lasted from 1348-1349 it was a disease that helped reduce the population by a third.

    1. Living during the time of the Black Plague must have been very difficult. I can't imagine what it was like for the people to watch their loved ones die and knowing that there was nothing they could do about it.

    2. How was the black death spread?

  25. The normans brought a new language to the land, french. Also a new social system called feudalism. Feudalism was a caste system, a property system and a military system. A system based on religious rank. At the top of the social class was the king, King John. Who had his powers limited because the people felt like they had no power at all. So they made him sign a document that took some of his power away, the magna carta. After that a horrible disease spread across England, called the black death. It was spread by fleas that were transported on rats, killing nearly 1/3 of there population.

    1. Where did the fleas come from? Does anyone know how they contracted the disease first?

    2. Yes I agree with everything that you have said its all true. How did the Normans coming affect England's way of life?

    3. nice job, mabye try to use more details to make it a bit longer

  26. Breanna Thompson B3:

    The Norman Invasion did not erase the Anglo-Saxon culture, however, it did significantly change England. The Normans brought a feudalistic social system which included a caste system, a property system, and a military system; for the most part they brought order to the Anglo-Saxons.

    The Black Death, or bubonic plague, struck England in 1348. This disease was highly contagious and was spread by fleas from infected rats. The plague reduced the population by a third, causing labor shortages and giving the lower classes more bargaining power against their overlords.

    Feudalism is based on a religious concept of ran, with God as the supreme overlord. William the Conqueror would appoint certain barons as his immediate vassals; those barons would then appoint vassals of their own and so on and so forth. The feudal system carried with it a sense of form and manners that influenced all aspects of the life, art, and literature of the Middle Ages.

    The Magna Carta was forcefully signed in 1215 by King John. The signing was a defeat for central papal power, basically just limiting the king's power over the people. The Magna Carta later became the basis of English Constitutional law.

    1. Great detail and organization Breanna! Will you please explain what you are communicating in the first sentence of the third paragraph a little more?

  27. Austin Falk B3
    The Norman invasion began when William the conqueror and his army invaded England. After this the Anglo- Saxon culture and the Norman culture formed together, and William brought over a new language, French. Once formed they established a new social system called feudalism. It is a military system, a property system, and a caste system. Chivalry was highly influenced by this system.
    The Magna Carta was a document signed by King John in 1215. This established the basis of English constitutional law.
    The Black Death was a disease that came to England was highly contagious. The disease lasted from 1348 to 1349 and reduced the population by a third.

    1. What do you think life was like during this time period? If given the chance to travel back in time, would you want to live in this period?

    2. Very insightful! I agree, however what do you think the black plague was like? witnessing everyone dying left and right must've been wild

  28. The Norman Invasion did not erase the Anglo-Saxon culture it brought new changes to England. Normans brought the French language and molded England in to a mainstream European civilization. The magna carta defeated Central Papal powers allowing the people common rights. Constitution in a way for England. The Black Death was a bubonic plague, passed from fleas and rats. Reduced the nations population by a third. Feudalism is a caste system, property system, and military system. It cared a sense of form and manners.

    1. You have a good understanding of the era Maddie, but are all of your sentences grammatically constructed?

    2. i agree, good details about the black death !

    3. Good response but I feel as though you didn't give enough info on Feudalism. What are your thoughts on it?

  29. B3 Christina DeRosa:

    The Norman Invasion was lead by William the Conqueror. William the Conqueror was the illegitimate son of the previous duke of Normandy and when he was invading England he was trying to seize the land he believed was rightfully his. He sailed across the English Channel with an enormous army to take back "his land".

    Feudalism was a caste system (a system of government that has levels of power or importance). The levels were: King, Vassel, Lord, Knight, and Serfs. The knight's primary duties were to complete any military service to their lords and had to follow a complex system of social codes. They started training at a young age, usually in their own homes, and when they finished training they were dubbed (a ceremony where the knight is hit on the shoulders to test their strength with a sword) and "Sir" is added to their name as a title.

    Chivalry (a system of ideals and social codes governing behavior of knights and gentlewomen) and courting were ideals of the medieval times. Most relationships were nonsexual and pure. Knights would wear their lady’s colors into battle and “adoring” a specific person was considered a means of self improvement.

    The Magna Carta was signed in 1215 by King John at Runnymede. It became the basis of English constitutional law, where trial by jury, and taxation were established.

    The Black Death, or bubonic plague, was a highly contagious disease spread by fleas and infected rats. It hit England in 1348-1349 and reduced the population by 1\3. It would include blotches, hardening of the glands under the armpit and groin, and tumors that would be pus filled and needed to be cut open. Due to this plague serfs gained freedom which destroyed feudalism.

    1. Excellent detail, Christina! Do you think it would be interesting to have lived in this time period?

    2. This response is worded perfectly and explains all the points that need to be stated about these topics.

    3. I think it could have been in an interesting time to live in though I don't think I would have done very well with having no rights and having to take care of kids 24\7

  30. The Norman Invasion only added to the Anglo-Saxon’s culture. The Normans brought a new language (french) and a new social system referred to as feudalism.
    Feudalism is a lot of different things combined such as; a caste system, a property system, and a military system. It was based on a religious ranking concept, God being the supreme overlord. the ranking went in this order; King, Vassel, Lord, Knight, and Serfs.
    The black death was also called the bubonic plague. The disease arrived to England in 1348-1349. It was highly contagious and was spread by fleas for diseased rats. This plague killed about one third of the nation's population. The population drop did help lower class people to get more bargaining power against their overlords.
    English barons forced King John to sign the Magna Carta, which later became the foundation of English constitutional law, such as; trial by jury and legislative taxation were created. It had defeat the Central papal power and gave common people their rights.


  31. B3 Bailey Peterson:
    The Norman invasion started because William the conqueror thought he should be put on the throne because he was more related to Edward than Harold was. When Edward died in 1066, Harold was crowned the very next day. William claimed that the king had already promised the throne to him. William then put together his supporters to create an enormous army and prepared to invade. The black death struck England in 1348-1349. The black death (plague) was highly contagious and it was spread by the fleas that were on infected rats. The plague lowered the population by a third. Feudalism a dominant social system in which the nobility held lands from the crowns in exchange for military service. Vassals were tenants of the nobles and peasants were obligated to live on the lords land. Magna Carta was a document signed by King john in 1215 in England. Pragmatic John was strongly backed by the pope but the English barons forced him to sign. The signing was a defeat for central papal power. The Magna Carta later became the basis of English constitutional law. The rights as trial by the jury and legislative taxation were established.

    1. Nice details, Bailey. Would you want to have been a woman living during this era?


  32. Block: 3 Meegan Shipman

    The Norman Invasion was lead by William the Conqueror. William intended to rule over the Anglo-Saxons and own their land, but instead the people were drove away after the land was taken. Even though the Anglo-Saxons left their land it did not kill their culture but simply changed the culture of the England. The culture brought England into mainstream European civilization. Feudalism was a new type of social system including Caste, Property, and Military systems. The system had a certain sense of forms and manners.

    The Black Death was a bubonic plague that struck England in from 1348-1349, this delivered another blow to feudalism. It was a highly contagious disease that spread quickly with the help of fleas infecting rats. Quickly the population started to drop and ended up reducing by a third of their original population.
    The Magna Carta was called the “Great Chapter”. The defeat of the central power had gave the common people rights. This was basically like a constitution for the common people.

  33. Taylor Dudley B2

    William the Conquerer led the Norman Invasion into England during 1066. With this he brought not only a new language but a new social system as well, feudalism. This put England into mainstream European civilization. Due to the Nomadic change in England, William brought plenty of culture and influence with him. The new feudalism system carried with it a sense of form and manners that influenced all aspects of art and literature of the Middle Ages. Although William became King, he did not get rid of the Anglo-Saxons, he wished to rule them. Due to this, their languages and cultures over time have mixed and merged.
    Two of many breaking points of the new feudalism system was the Magna Carta ("Great Charter" signed in 1215 by King John) and Black Death (also known as the bubonic plague, which hit in 1348-1349). The signing of the Magna Carta was a defeat for the central papal power. Also, it is the future basis of England's constitution. The Black Death hurt the system because it knocked out a third of England's population. Due to this, the lower class had advantages and bargaining over people, including their overlords. A long-term result was the serfs' freedom, which all-in-all, was the system's last resort.

    1. Great response! Good connection for the Magna Carta to "Future England."

  34. Ah'breahnah May block 2

    After the battle of Hastings, England went through a few drastic changes over the course of history. King William defeated the last Anglo-Saxons kings and this lead to the Norman Invasion. Although they did not erase their culture they brought important changes the Normans gave the Anglo-Saxons a new language, French, and a new social class, feudalism (caste system, military system, and property system). Much of the European civilization went mainstream. The men went to training as boys to be dubbed Knights, and the women stayed home and became workers. All of the women's rights had been stripped away in this process. Soon chivalry and courtly love came about, and this made women have a new stance chivalry lead to romance. During all these changes a few things were going on like the Crusades, a religious war fought in 1095-1270, the murder of Thomas Becket in a Cathedral, England made there own constitution the Magna Carta, and the One hundred year war between England and france in 1337-1453. While they were having the hundred year war the bubonic plague happened from 1348-1349 killing millions across Europe.

    1. I agree with how it brought a new language and a social class because it changed the way people spoke which divided them into social classes.


  35. Samuel Jackson b1

    the black death came from fleas it destroyed the human population in England it only left a few people alive mainly because there was to few people to spread the pestilence to other people.

    magna carta is where the barons of England revolted against king john and forced him to sign a document to give some of the power back to the people.

    feudalism is a system that England had set up it is also called the caste system it was also was a religious based system where god is at the top and it just goes down with the king then landowners then common people and last would be the servants. .

    the Norman invasion is where Normandy invaded England because the duke of Normandy claimed that the old king had promised him the throne

  36. Great job, Sam! Next time will you please proofread before you publish?

  37. good job, mabye try to make a connection of this time period with yours?

  38. Austin Brown B1
    the Normans were led by William the conqueror and they took over the anglo-saxons and they took over England

    magna carta was used to make a peaceful connection between the barons

    feudalism in England was established by William the Conqueror and the Normans following the defeat of the english anglo saxons at the Battle of Hastings in 1066.

    resulting in the deaths of an estimated 75 to 200 million people and getting its worst in Europe in the years 1346–53

  39. The Norman invasion was when William the Conqueror invaded England. He took over the Anglo-Saxon community and changed their customs and made new ones. Along with the Norman invasion came the Black Death which wiped out a large population in England the black death bacsicly started with bad hygineneThis plague came from rodents and fleas wich is nasty fyi The outbreak delivered a strong blow to feudalism.The system was a caste system, a property system, and a military system. Feudalism simply more a social system it operated all the way down to the landless knights and to serfs it was a caste system, a property system, and a military system The Magna Carta was signed to return England back to order The Magna Carta became the basis for the England constitutional law that's pretty much it

  40. B1 Chelsey Padgett
    The Norman Invasion had started because William the conqueror said he was more related to Edward than Harold and deserved the thrown. Harold was crowned the day after Edward had passed away in 1066. The black death occurred in 1348-1349, it was highly contagious. Magna Carta was a document signed by King John in 1215, England. The English barons forced Pragmatic John to sign. The Magna Carta eventually became the basis of English constitutional law.

    1. I feel like i have the black death I am so sick... Yes the Black death occurred from 1348-1349, but what was it? What were some of the symptoms?

  41. BLOGGER POST: William the Conqueror started a new course of events that would eventually change the course of English history. After claiming his throne, he introduced a system of feudalism. This enabled a system that acted as "trading" but the price would basically be loyalty. e.g. The King gives land to a vassal and in return, the vassal gives his eternal loyalty (may it be economic or military) to the king. *Knights played the role of "the protectors" and in a way, "the face of the kingdom." A knight's training begins at a very young age, and when his training is complete, the boy is then dubbed and given the title: "Sir." Knights also lived by a strict code of honor and chivalry. Chivalry meaning he may not attack an opponent if the opponent is not armed. Chivalry also ties into Courtly Love for the Knight's lady. Examples of expressing courtly love include: A knight wearing his lady's colors in battle and expressing how she inspires his courage. Chivalry and Courtly was viewed as: acceptable and necessary. The acts of chivalry led to the rise of "Romance." This developed a more idealized attitude toward women, but did not necessarily improve a woman's person. However, chivalry and courtly love pushed further in developing a new form of English Literature! "A hero must defeat an evil in the name his love OR to save a damsel in distress." . The rule of chivalry seems to still be taught up to this day. It is greatly encouraged in young boys and even girls now. A level of kindness and respect is still desired in young individuals to ensure a permanent positive personality.

  42. Sami Carter B2

    William the Conqueror was the illegitimate son of the previous Duke of Normandy. After his cousin passed away leaving him the throne, he was declared illegitimate so to fight back he claimed the throne cause him to declare the Norman invasion. William also didn't want to eliminate the Anglo-Saxon culture so he combined it with norman getting the Anglo-norman which brought England into mainstream european civilization.Feudalism was also caste system a property system and a military system based on religious. Magna Carta was the event that most clearly heralded a return to older democratic tendencies in England. the black death or the bubonic plague which struck England in 1348-1349 delivered another blow to feudalism.

    1. It's good that you defined feudalism but what are your personal thoughts on it?

  43. Aale Espanta B2

    The Norman Invasion happened because William the Conqueror wanted to claim what was rightfully his when Edward the confessor died and Harold, the earl of Wessex, was crowned as the King. According to William, Edward promised the crown to William. With Normans invading England, it comes with a few changes such as Feudalism. Feudalism is a social system, caste system, a property system and a military system. To make things simpler, it governed England and gave a proper structure to lead people. However the aristocrats had no interest in the rights of the common people. The signing of the document was a defeat for central papal power. The Black Plague was believed to be another blow to feudalism and it killed a third of the nation's population.

  44. Shelby Edens B2
    The Norman Invasion was led by William the Conqueror, who wanted to govern the Anglo-Saxon English, not conquer them. The Norman Invasion changed the course of history for England. It brought a new language, french, and a new social system, feudalism. Feudalism was a caste, property, and military system. It divided the people into classes: lower, middle, and upper middle. Later, the Magna Carta was the basis of English constitutional law, in which such rights as trial by jury and legislative taxation were established. The Black Death also caused a blow to feudalism. It was a disease that was highly contagious and spread by fleas from infected rats. It reduced the nation's population by a third.

    1. When did the Black Death start and how long did it last for?

  45. Nico Rodriguez B2
    The Anglo-Saxon culture was not wiped away during the Norman Invasion. The Norman Invasion influenced the way the Anglo-Saxons live and the customs they follow. William the Conqueror brought a system of Feudalism into the land. Feudalism is a caste system, a property system, and a military system. The Magna Carta was the basis of English government. It was signed by King John in 1215, and brought about rights such as trial by jury and legislative taxation. The black death badly impacted Feudalism. It reduced the population of the country by a third which created labor shortage.

  46. The norman invasion brought a new language, French and a new social system Feudalism. Feudalism is a social system also a caste system, a property system, and a military system. the black death was a plague that lasted from 1348-1349 and wiped out a huge amount of the population. the magna carta became the basis for the English constitutional law.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Francesca Horan

    The Norman Invasion was a result of William the Conqueror's greed for the English throne after its predecessor, King Edward the Confessor, passed away. William aimed to rule the Anglo-Saxon culture, not eliminate it. The Normans brought many social and political changes to England's society, such as administrative ability, emphasis on law and order, and a new social system called Feudalism. Feudalism was made up of 3 major components: a caste system, a property system, and a military system. It was based on a religious concept of rank with God as the supreme overlord and the king who served as a vassal that ruled the land by "divine right". The Magna Carta was a document signed by King John in 1215, which limited his power over the land and established the basis of English constitutional law. In 1348, a terrible bubonic plague began that was spread by rats and fleas that were very common within the households and streets of England back then. It lasted for a year and wiped out nearly a third of the population. This delivered a strong blow to feudalism, as it freed the serfs and gave the lower class some advantages such as the ability to bargain with overlords.

  49. The Norman invasion was where William the conqueror said that the previous king had promised to make him the next king, so he boarded a ship and sailed across the sea with his massive army, and took what he thought was rightfully his, he brought England into main-stream he divided the property of the fallen English landowners to his followers. He also brought over the French language and a new social system called Feudalism which is a caste system, a property system, and a military system, based on religion and God is the supreme overlord.
