Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Renaissance History

Renaissance History

Write a letter to a friend explaining what you have learned about Renaissance history; be sure to include the following key terms: Renaissance, Humanism, Italy, Printing press, Reformation, King Henry, The Protestant Reformation, Bloody Mary, and Elizabeth I. Read someone else's letter and pose a question for them to respond to, challenge them, or agree or disagree with something he or she said and state why.


  1. Dear Francesca,

    I have learned so many interesting things about the Renaissance era. Renaissance means new beginnings, or rebirth. During this era, new objectives were introduced, monarchs were wedded and art was created and interpreted.

    Humanism was a subject that was introduced to the church goers. St. Jerome was a key influence to it; pictures depict him as an honorable and respectful man who intently studies the bible. During this time, music was highly valued as well as riches were. People were bathed with lavish ornaments and thought highly of science and mathematics.

    Did you know that Henry VIII had six wives, two of them being beheaded by his order? He wedded often and joyously. Henry was a very independent and power-stricken man. Although he could be very harsh for being a good-natured man, he admired art and the meanings behind them.

    Some art that was admired was created by three main artists; Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and then some works by English philosophers. They had a lot of conceptual and abstract art; there were always deeper meaning behind what they created. Not to mention, they believed in making them as realistic as possible.

    All in all, this era was definitely an era of rebirth and new ideas.

  2. Dear Taylor,
    Today we learned about Renaissance history and I thought I would share some things with you. This was a time of Reformation. It was also known as a "New Birth" due to the fact that things were changing in this era. More people were becoming wealthier and education was becoming easier to access. One of the developments in this time period was the Printing Press. This was developed in 1440 and made it much easier to get access to literature and books. The Protestant Reformation was when the people started to distance themselves from the Church. The church was becoming very controlling and so people starting breaking off from their leadership. Not that they didn't consider themselves not religious anymore, but they didn't want the Church to dictate for them what they should be doing with their life.
    As for the Arts, Queen Elizabeth I was a huge fan of Shakespeare. She even attended some of his plays.
    King Henry VIII had 6 wives throughout his life, and even ordered 2 of them to be beheaded.
    Queen Mary I was also known as Bloody Mary. She was the Queen of England a short 5 years (1553-1558).
    Humanism was big in this time. People in Italy and even other parts of Europe believed more in the real world rather than the supernatural world.

    Hope you found this interesting too,

    Kristin Sanders

    1. How much of an influence and impact did Elizabeth (Bloody Mary) make when she was in rule? Do you think she sparked any new rebellions? What kind of ruler was Kind Henry? Good job!

    2. Queen Elizabeth was also given the nickname the virgin queen.

    3. Did you know that the Globe Theatre that was built during Queen Elizabeth's reign, which showed plenty of Shakespeare's plays, was burned down in 1613 from a cannon in a performance?

  3. Dear Adam,
    The renaissance era was a time of rebirth. It was a time about renewing and creating new innovations throughout literature and arts. It also brought about new ideas including humanism. Humanism is a new way of thinking about science and arts. People began to question the actuality of god. Italy was influenced by people such as Da Vinci and Shakespeare. The printing press allowed for the word of literature and books to be passed on more effectively. The reformation was a process of changing the way people thought and began to act throughout the society. Bloody Mary began to kill many citizens by the way of the guillotine. She received the name bloody Mary because of all the blood she spilled in the streets of France. Elizabeth I was known as the "virgin queen". She led the country of Britain for 45 years and was an important part of the reformation. She was a big sympathizer to both fighting in the religious wars. She was known to have shed light on both the differing religions. King Henry was known for having six wives and he was the leader of France. He beheaded two of his wives because they could not give him a son. He was known for many killings of citizens throughout France using the guillotine.

    1. I agree with Niko, this time was very important and put a lasting impact on the world

    2. How did reformation change the way citizens acted throughout the society? Were any of their methods they used to better the society?

  4. Dear Shelby,
    The Renaissance era was from 1485-1660 and it stands for "re-birth". During the renaissance era people focused mainly on knowledge and studied science, literature and art. The people were wealthier and did not get as sick like they did during the medieval era. Humanism is a philosophical and ethical stance that emphasizes the value and agency of human beings. The protestant reformation was the catholic church falling apart due to corruption and science was a big part and people were doubting the catholic church. The renaissance started in Italy and spread through out Europe. Bloody Marry was queen Elizabeth's half sister who took throne after queen Elizabeth died and was named bloody marry because she gave many executions. Queen Elizabeth was the queen of England and had historical paintings named after her, she was nick named the virgin queen. King Henry changed England to the protestants by turning everyone against Catholicism.

    1. I agree with all the facts you mentioned but you forgot to talk about Printing Press. I would also like for you to expound more about the Protestant Reformation. You had some good points about it but I feel like I still can't explain it to others just by reading your post.

  5. Dear Sabrina Ortiz,

    I have learned so much about Renaissance this week and please allow me to share some knowledge to you. Renaissance means rebirth and it's fitting because a reformation of human ideals began to emerge. Humanism is an outlook of thought that attaches importance to human beings rather than supernatural. The Renaissance Era mainly influenced Italy because of da Vinci and Michelangelo to just name a few. The printing press was the greatest invention in mid-15th century because it made copying a book easier rather than doing everything by hand. Imagine how relieved publishers were when they found that out. Another thing, this dude King Henry VIII is a total jerk face. He was a welsh nobleman who married six women and two of them were beheaded because of him. I mean he enjoyed and supported music and art but i don't like him. The Protestant Reformation was led by Martin Luther who challenged the Roman Catholic church. Crazy right?! Let me tell you about Bloody Mary is the half sister of Queen Elizabeth I and took after the reign when she died. She executed a lot of people which was the opposite of Queen Elizabeth. Although there was a lot of crazy things and leaders during the era, the Renaissance was focused in art and music uniting most of the people. I hope you learned something new from me. Take Care!

    Aale Espanta

    1. I highly agree with you about King Henry VIII....a Completely crazy man

    2. I agree with everything you said. Good job dude! Also Queen Elizabeth took throne after Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary was after King Edward VI.

  6. Dear Francesca,

    The Renaissance Era is rather interesting, I must say! Humanism appears to be a growing trend. It deals with questioning the well-being of human life as well as the basic meaning of it rather than focus on supernatural aspects (e.g. God). It started to develop mainly in Italy (Florence to be exact) at the beginning of the 14th century. The Printing Press is rather interesting "thing-a-ma-jig". It prints...actual letters onto pages--thanks to Johannes Gutenberg! Things began to get a little intense, however. The Reformation brought light to a new form of logic to the human mind. Martin Luther was one of the leaders during the Reformation. His "95 Thesis" challenged the idea of The Church charging money or favors in order to free people from their sins. Now about King Henry VIII...he was a rather interesting person. He married 6 women and 2 of them were beheaded by his command! However, he is responsible for the Reformation in England. Because of this, he turned his WHOLE country Protestant! Now...Queen Mary I...was ruthless. She clearly opposed the whole concept of the Protestant Reformation. She ruthlessly executed protestants. Through these acts, she eventually earned the name "Bloody Mary." Elizabeth I had a bit more positive outlook on things. She mostly embraced the whole "Arts" aspect during the Renaissance Era. She attended plays at her favorite theater: "The Globe Theater." As a matter of fact, she even attended some of Shakespeare's plays as well! How awesome is that! Well, that's the gist of the Renaissance Era! Get back to me soon!
    Jorge Daniel Reyes Jr.

  7. Dear anyone who wants to listen,
    Today i learned about the renaissance period. The renaissance period showed the progression in humanism, literature, sciences, and inventions. Inventions such as the printing press. In italy many painter and inventors grew to be seen as important men throughout history. In England Henry ruled, but was followed by Elizabeth l. The renaissance was a time for reformation.

    Thank you whoever listened,
    Kolin Fowlkes

  8. Dear Adam ,
    During the renaissance era it was a time of rebirth or reformation headed by Martin Luther. Humanism was a thought process away from supernatural pertaining to math and science. The printing press was created in 1440 during the renaissance era. The creation of the printing press enabled much easier production of books and forms of art. Monarchy was a form of Government in which there was a divine ruler such as Bloody Mary or Elizabeth I. Bloody Mary was a very dangerous woman who killed many people on a daily basis she was very scary. Elizabeth I was one of the most brilliant female rulers and was very successful. King Henry was a welsh nobleman wwho seized the throne of war of roses. Beheaded many people including his wives.

  9. Jeffery,

    I have learned so much about Renaissance history! First of all Renaissance means the rebirth. The Renaissance time period was started in Italy and quickly spread through Europe. Also a big part in the Renaissance time period was, humanism. Humanism is a philosophical and ethical stance that emphasizes the value and agency of human beings. There were also many inventions during this time period as science was starting to come about. One big invention was the printing press which allowed for the printing of literature that created books. Since this time period was a period of enlightenment there were many reformations. A reformation is when something is changed from what it used to be, and sometimes it can cause revolt depending on what it is about. One reformation was the Protestant Reformation, it was big because the Catholic Church was falling apart due to corruption and science was playing a big part so people were beginning to doubt the Catholic Church. King Henry VIII was the person who turned England Protestant because he couldn't remarry or divorce anyone because Catholics didn't believe in that. Bloody Mary was the half sister of Elizabeth I while on the thrown she executed a lot of people giving her the name Bloody Mary. Elizabeth I was the successor of Mary I (Bloody Mary) when she took the thrown she got the nickname as "The Virgin Queen," she has many of paintings name after as well. See the Renaissance was an eventful time and full of fact and ideas that we still use today.

    Justin Condry

    1. Justin great job on summing up the Renaissance History. I actually really like this time period in English History as it is my favorite. I like this time period because a lot of events happened during this age. Additionally, I like it because of the political and social excitement. One of my favorite men from this age is John Locke and his Social Contract theory. Although I am not to fond of how they dressed. You are correct King Henry VIII divorced a lot of people and in my opinion King Henry VIII was a mean individual. I would have hated to be under the rule of him. How do you like the Renaissance literary period and what do you think of King Henry VIII.

  10. Dear Mackenzie,
    The Renaissance era was the era of "rebirth" from 1485-1660. It started in Italy and quickly spread throughout Europe. During this time, people became wealthier and they focused on the knowledge of science, literature, and art. Humanism is a system of thought attaching prime importance to humans rather than divine or supernatural matters. Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press, which is the reason we have books today. Reformation meant to return to the ideal "past" meaning the reformation and transforming to good pastoral care. The protestant reformation was when the Catholic Church was falling apart due to corruption, and science was playing a big part so people were doubting the Catholic Church. King Henry was the one who turned everyone against Catholicism. Bloody Mary was the half sister of Queen Elizabeth. She got the name Bloody Mary by having hundreds of religious dissenters executed. After her death, Queen Elizabeth took throne. She had a bunch of historical paintings named after her. She was also known as the The Virgin Queen.
    Yours Truly,

  11. Dear Nico,
    The renaissance era was a time of rebirth, and change. People began to question the position of the church. This was a time of peace and wealth. The study of science and arts became more and more prevalent. These studies were the sole purpose why the church was challenged, they were more interested in reason than belief. The enlightenment led people to challenge the power of the roman church. Humanism was a system of thought attaching prime importance to humans rather than divine or super natural. The printing shop became well known, the printing press was the reason for the spread of literature. Reformation became more significant due to Martin Luther. He was a German theologian of the Christian religion and an Augustinian monk. Bloody Mary killed hundreds people, she was frowned upon. King Henry was a welsh nobleman who seized the throne after England struggled with the war of roses, he also restored peace and order to the kingdom. Queen Elizabeth 1 was a virgin queen, who was inspired by Shakespeare.
    From Adam


  12. Dear Valerie,
    Guess what I learned in class today! I learned all about the Renaissance time period. The Renaissance was a time of new birth meaning people were becoming more intelligent, wealthy, and no longer ill. I also learned what humanism is a Renaissance cultural movement that turned away from medieval scholasticism and revived interest in ancient Greek and Roman thought. The evolving mostly took place in Italy, but it expanded worldwide very quickly. The printing press was this awesome machine built in 1440 by a guy named Johannes Gutenberg. It was made to help mass produce book to publish them faster. The Protestant Reformation, often referred to simply as the Reformation, and often referred to as the Protestant Revolt among Catholics, was the 16th century schism from the Catholic Church in Europe initiated by Martin Luther, John Calvin, Huldrych Zwingli and other early Protestant Reformers. King Henry was an amazing guy, he was very charismatic and enigmatic. King Henry married six women and two of them he order to be beheaded! He also declared himself head of the church and because of his declared supremacy, the church had separated and became the Church of England. About this time there was this crazy ritual that started called the bloody marry. Historically, the ritual encouraged young women to walk up a flight of stairs backwards while holding a candle and a hand mirror, in a darkened house. As they gazed into the mirror, they were supposed to be able to catch a view of their future husband's face. There was, however, a chance that they would see a skull (or the face of the Grim Reaper) instead, indicating that they were destined to die before they would have the chance to marry.In the ritual of today, Bloody Mary allegedly appears to individuals or groups who ritualistically invoke her name in an act of necromancy. This is done by repeatedly chanting her name in a mirror placed in a dimly-lit or candle-lit room. The Bloody Mary apparition allegedly appears as a corpse, a witch or ghost; can be friendly or evil; and is sometimes "seen" covered in blood. Is that not so crazy! We should try that...Not! Last thing I have to tell you about is Queen Elizabeth the first. Queen Elizabeth I was born on the September 7, 1533 in Greenwich England. She was a princess but declared illegitimate through political machinations. She eventually claimed the throne at the age of 25 and held it for 44 years, keeping England in the ascendant through wars, and political and religious turmoil. She died in 1603. Those are the main points and people of the Renaissance period though. Have a good day, see you later. Now you are smarter. -Samadah

  13. Dearest Friend,
    The Renaissance started between the 14th and 17th century and the literal meaning for it means the rebirth. The Renaissance cultural movement that turned away from medieval scholasticism and revived interest in ancient Greek and Roman thought is humanism. This new, modern way of thinking about the world and how people thrived in it so well. this lead to the printing press which was introduced to the West in the Holy Roman Empire by Johannes Gutenberg, around 1440. Gutenberg, a goldsmith by profession, devised a hand mould to create metal movable type, and adapted screw presses and other existing technologies, to create a system. Martin Luther, a priest, challenged the authority of the Pope and sparked the Protestant Reformation. His ideas spread quickly, thanks in part to the printing press. By challenging the power of the Church, and asserting the authority of individual conscience. then there was Henry VIII is known for his role in the separation of the Church of England from the Roman Catholic Church. His disagreements with the Pope led to his separation of the Church of England from papal authority. He had a daughter named Mary and she had always rejected and resented the break with Rome that her father had instituted and his subsequent establishment of the Anglican Church that had flowed from her half-brother's Protestantism, and now she tried to turn England back to Roman Catholicism. This effort was carried out by force, and hundreds of Protestant leaders were executed, hints the name bloody marry. Now onto the brighter side Elizabeth I was so moved by the drama and theater she built one herself.

    1. Did you know the printing press was created in 1440? Also, Queen Elizabeth I went to some of Shakespeare's plays. Good job!

  14. Dear Friend,

    The Renaissance Period took place in Europe from the 14th to the 16th
    century. The term renaissance means "rebirth", a rebirth in knowledge, the sciences, literature and the arts. Humanism is the system of thought where the main significance is human matters rather than supernatural. Italy has a major significance in the Renaissance period. This is where the "rebirth" began and many famous artists reign for here. Michelangelo, da Vinci, and Raphael are very well known artists that had done their work during this period. The printing press was invented by Gutenberg in 1455. This led to the spread of literature throughout Germany, England, and Northern Italy. The Reformation took place in during the 1500s and it was caused by people rejecting the authority of the Pope. King Henry VIII was an important figure because he was the one to initiate the English Reformation and turned England into a Protestant nation. The Protestant Reformation was started by Martin Luther and he challenged against the Catholic Church for a redistribution of political and religious powers. Bloody Mary, known as Queen Mary of Ireland, killed many Protestants and that is how she got the nickname. Elizabeth I was the only surviving daughter of King Henry VIII and the queen of England and Ireland.

    Shawna Waggoner

    1. Great summary but also remember that Queen Elizabeth did many great things such as win the Spanish Armada.

  15. Dear Justin,

    Justin I must inform you about the great knowledge I have learned regarding the Renaissance era in English history. Renaissance translation means rebirth and was a polite and formal period. There were many humanist thinkers in this time period. Humanism is a philosophical and ethical stance that emphasizes the value and agency of human beings, individually and collectively, and prefers critical thinking and evidence over faith and doctrine. A humanist in this time period was Sir Thomas More. Many of the great thinkers that inspired the rebirth of a new literary age with such great intellect and social excitement derived from the country of Italy. During the age of the Renaissance they loved to read and write however, it took a long time to write a book. However, Justin the printing press was inventing during this period which allowed for books to be printing quickly and people could read them (I know how much you like to read). The Protestant Reformation or commonly referred to as the Protestant Revolt was the split of the Roman Catholic church which challenged the Roman Catholic Church. This Reformation was led by Martin Luther when he wrote in 1517 “The Ninety-Five Thesis.” I can honestly say Justin that I would hate to have been in the country under rule of King Henry VIII. King Henry VIII was important in the process of the English Reformation. He had declared himself the head of the church and because of his declared supremacy, the church had separated and became the Church of England. Did you know that the importance of the Protestant Reformation was that it took power away from the Pope and gave most of the power to the King who ruled the country? This is good because up unto this point the Church was very corrupt. Bloody Mary or Mary I who was supposed to be the next heir to the throne of England. She got her nickname of Bloody Mary when she took the thrown "The Virgin Queen." However, upon the divorce of King Henry VIII to Mary I mother Mary I was declared illegitimate for the line of succession. Elizabeth I the half-sister to Mary I was the successor to Catherine of Aragon and was declared the Princess. Queen Elizabeth was the daughter of King Henry VIII by his second wife Anne Boleyn. Elizabeth I soon became the Queen of England when she was 25 years old (that is so young to be able to rule a country). During her rein Queen Elizabeth according to historians ruled during the Golden Age. In my writing sums up the main parts of the Renaissance era, there is so much more that I could tell you. I wish you the very best Justin!

    Jeffery Condry

    1. I am so glad that you informed me on some of this stuff. I didn't know about "The Ninety-Five Thesis" so very interesting. When Queen Elizabeth ruled what exactly is The Golden Age? You do know the Mary I or Bloody Mary did gain the thrown? She was right after Edward VI and Elizabeth I was her successor. Mary I ruled for a little over 5 years.

  16. Dear Friend,
    The Renaissance era lasted for many years. Within these years many great things were created, and many ideas where brought forth. The era started in Italy when people started a movement called humanism. Humanism was the movement in which people wanted to find questions about life. When looking for these answers people looked towards the bible and Greek literature. After humanism began the printing press was created by Johannes Gutenberg. The printing press was a way for information to be transferred easily. The printing press made it easier for books to be copied and was easier for people to get access to the literature. Later came the reformation. The reformation was a series of events that led people to leave the church and later follow new religions such as baptism, puritan, and Presbyterian. King Henry was the ruler through a lot of the Renaissance. Henry beheaded the pope because he would not annul his marriage with Catherine, his wife. He wanted to annul her for his then side chick, Anna. After King Henry died his daughter Mary took throne. Mary was a great ruler who avenged her mother's death caused by her father. Mary gave rule back to the pope and also hunted and beheaded the protestants. Doing so, she got the name "Bloody Mary". After Mary died from a fever her sister Elizabeth took over. Elizabeth soon became one of the greatest rulers that England ever had. Elizabeth took after her father and reestablished the Church of England and also rejected the Pope's authority of the church. Elizabeth was known as "The Virgin Queen" because she never married nor had children. She was the most independent Queen England ever had and she did it very well.

    Your Friend,
    Alicia Tapia

  17. Dear Kristin,
    I just learned all about the Renaissance period! There were ambassadors like Jean de Dintiville, he was a french ambassador to England in 1533 at 29 years old. Then there is Georges de Selve who was a bishop of Lavaur at 25 years old, and many more. I learned about a Catholic priest, confessor, theologian, and historian called by the name of St. Jerome. He also ended up being the Doctor of the church, how crazy?! There was a King of England- Henry VIII- from 1413 until death at 35 in 1422. He was the 2nd English monarch of the house of Lancaster. There were these crazy fireships launched. The Spanish Armada set sail from Lisbonana mission to secure control of the English channel and transport the Spanish army to the British Isle. Do you know who has a cool name? Bacon, Sir Frances Bacon! He was an English Renaissance statesman and philosopher. He created the scientific method.
    Chivalry still lives and is the romance time for these people. The court dances required dancers to be trained and were often for display and entertainment. I mean, who wouldn’t want to watch pretty people dance? Oh yeah, have you ever heard of Andrea del Sarto? He did this weird study of hands drawing, it was pretty cool to be honest. They were all drawn at different angles and were really realistic. Martin Luther (NOT MLJ) was a german priest, professor of theology, and seminal figure of Protestant Church. He taught that salvation and eternal life is not earned by goodness but received as a free gift of God’s grace through faith. A quote that he said was about how corrupt society really is.
    In pictures that I analyzed on was of a woman. That woman was Elizabeth I at 55 years old. She looked very rizzilient for her age. Another picture was the Globe Theatre that was the most famous in its time, which was built during Elizabeth I reign. They showed many shakespeare plays, until in 1613 it was burned down in a performance. The “New Birth” artwork is from the Renaissance Era in England in 1300-1700. This all symbolizes the new channels, becoming wealthy, and the less ill of this era. The Bermondsey had people shown at a wedding of noble classes dancing and having fun.
    The development of this time is significant. The printing shop holds printing presses. These were invented in 1440 by Johannes Gutenberg. They make book producing easier and increase the availability of books.The enlightenment led people to challenge the power of the Roman Catholic Church of England. The renaissance men were very influential people. Leonardo da Vinci created Mona Lisa; he was an Italian Polymat. Michelangelo created Sistine Chapel; he was an Italian architect, poet, and engineer. Columbus was a sailor of modernity to a new world; he was a great seaman who made the first connection between Europe and the Americas. Sir Thomas More and Erasmus were two humanist writers and main leaders. They both argued for open minds, moderation, tolerance, and enhancement of public welfare.

    Taylor Dudley
